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8 son las Categorías con las que premia anualmente el CTBUH Consejo de Edificios Altos y Hábitat Urbano y una de las más importantes es la de Mejor Edificio Alto de Asia y Australasia. Este importante galardón, que comenzó en el año 2009, ha premiado hasta el momento entre otros a edificios altos y rascacielos muy importantes como la Cocoon Tower de Tokio, diseño de Tange Associates, el Guangzhou International Finance Centre de Wilkinson Eyre, o el Linked Hybrid de Beijing obra de Steven Holl. El interesante galardón premia cada año la excelencia en el diseño y construcción de los edificios altos que hayan sido construidos en la región de Asia y Australasia (Malasia, Indonesia, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, entre otros países).
8 are the Categories with which annually awards the CTBUH Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, and one of the most important is the Best Tall Building Asia and Australasia. This important award, which began in 2009, has so far awarded among other tall buildings and skyscrapers very important as Cocoon Tower in Tokyo, designed by Tange Associates, the Guangzhou International Finance Centre of Wilkinson Eyre, or Beijing Linked Hybrid by Steven Holl work. The award honors every year interesting excellence in the design and construction of high rise buildings which were built in the Asia and Australasia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, among other countries).
Nota importante: El texto en color azul subrayado son enlaces externos al blog que llevan a la propia página del CTBUH. / The text highlighted in blue are external links that lead to the blog itself CTBUH page.
Todos los galardonados por año / All Winners by year
1 Bligh Street
Best Tall Building
Asia & Australasia
Sydney, Australia
ingenhoven architects;
KK100 Development, Shenzhen, China
Reflections at Keppel Bay, Singapore
Solaris, Singapore
Guangzhou International Finance Centre
Best Tall Building Asia & Australasia
Guangzhou, China
Wilkinson Eyre Architects
Fukoku Tower, Fukoku, Japan
International Commerce Centre, Hong Kong, China
Riviera TwinStar Square, Shanghai, China
The Hansar, Bangkok, Thailand
Pinnacle @ Duxton
Best Tall Building Asia
& Australasia
ARC Studio Architecture + Urbanism
iSQUARE, Hong Kong, China
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, Nanjing, China
Northeast Asia Trade Tower, Incheon, South Korea
Linked Hybrid
Best Tall Building Overall
and Asia & Australasia
Beijing, China
Steven Holl Architects
The Met, Bangkok, Thailand
Missing Matrix Building - Boutiue Monaco, Seoul, South Korea
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower, Tokyo, Japan
Mode Gakuen Spiral Towers, Nagoya-shi, Japan
Website Official CTBUH (Link external)
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